What would you do if you had to start your blog from zero again?

This is what I asked Ryan Biddulph. We all know him as a successful blogger the name Blogging From Paradise We all know him as a successful blogger. Here he gives us tips and tells his inspiring story:

How to Become a Successful Blogger After Starting Your Blog from Zero

My biggest terror freed me.

In 2014, I started Blogging From Paradise in gorgeous Fiji. I trashed my old blog to begin my new blog. Trashing my old blog felt incredibly scary because I spent five years writing and publishing 3,400 blog posts.

The split second I bought my domain and hosting and did a redirect, everything vanished. I started my blog from zero. Again.

Or did I?

One thing you learn quickly about blogging; you never truly start from zero because we all have some experiences in life easily applicable to our blogs. Even better? If you learn how to blog successfully from pro bloggers you hit the ground running, and those zeroes grow pretty quickly into something special.

Example; Erika invited me to guest post on her rocking blog. I seized the opportunity. No doubt, my success will expand a bit more after she publishes this guest post. I took advantage of this opportunity because I learned long ago that building bonds lead to guest posting invites, features, interviews and all types of sweet blogging success.

You may have zero blog posts, zero traffic, and zero blogging profits right now. Guess what? Writing and publishing a thorough, genuine comment on this post likely nudges your blog traffic to 3 visits today. If you write and publish a genuine, thorough comment on 5 blogs today I can almost guarantee you get 5 to 10 visits to your blog today. You move on from zero to 5 hits, hitting the ground running.

Follow these steps to become a successful blogger after starting your blog from zero.

Learn from Top Blogging Tips Pros

Top blogging tips pros teach you how to blog intelligently and successfully. Blogging intelligently and successfully helps you go from blogging zero toward blogging hero fairly quickly.

You learn how to write traffic driving posts, how to create traffic driving comments and how to open profitable blogging income streams from successful bloggers. Zero becomes more than zero. Plus you leverage your presence pronto, learning from the best and putting your new knowledge into practice.

Celebrate Blogging Growth

Throw a blogging party every time you note traffic, social share, profits or heck, any stats, growing. Celebrate what you have to see more.

This is important when you appear to begin at zero. Move your focus from scarcity to abundance. Feel abundant. See more abundance aka greater metrics, because where your attention and energy goes, grows.

Create and Connect

Focusing on metrics does not make metrics grow. Generously creating helpful content and building strong friendships leads to more traffic and profits.

Publish helpful posts. Assist your readers. Success follows value.

Comment genuinely on blogs in your niche. Promote bloggers from your niche. Make friends to amplify your reach.

Be creative and connected. Build your blog on a rock solid foundation of helpful posts and loyal friends.

Monetize Early and Often

Monetize your blog early into your blogging career. Add income streams frequently.

Get comfortable with receiving money.

A shocking majority of bloggers feels uncomfortable monetizing their blogs. Their blogging profits remain at zero because you cannot make money sans income streams.

Other bloggers open one stream, get attached to it and run into all types of problems when the income stream invariably dries up.

Think abundantly. Open income streams quickly and frequently. Be comfortable receiving money to increase your blogging profits and to promote your blogging success

Do Not Compare Yourself with Other Bloggers

Avoid the comparison curse.

New bloggers often compare their goose eggs with experienced, seasoned pros who generate 40,000-page visits each month.

Every blogger begins at zero because every blogger was once a new blogger. Do not compare your new blogger experience with someone with 10 years of blogging experience. Every blogger takes their own separate journey.

Celebrate your individual journey, enjoy the lessons your blogging trip teaches you and enjoy your unfolding success.

We all start from zero.

But it’s where you’re headed that really counts.

Ryan Biddulph helps you become a successful blogger at Blogging From Paradise.

Thank you, Ryan, for your inspiring story and tips.


I heard there are many bloggers who started and quit after a while and would like to start from zero again.

Would you start blogging from zero again?

It is right, whoever ones started blogging already knows a lot and only needs dedication and best would be, help from somebody who is already successful. Because, for people who want to start from zero again and also for newbies, it would be an immense shortcut to have to help of a good coach.

Read another guest post of Ryan > Do You Feel Beaten Down By Living In Survival Mode?

You may also be interested in his Blogging Courses and Blogging eBooks

What are your thoughts, opinions or experiences?

Did you start a second time blogging from zero?